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Website Copywriting
Website Copywriting

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Website Copywriting

Website copywriting services, when done correctly, is an intricate process that enables a copywriting company website to communicate persuasively with prospects and customers, as well as communicate effectively with search engines to improve its organic search visibility.

Web copywriting services proficient in creating content for users and Google give a website a great deal of lead-generating power. Here is an overview of how Web copywriting should proceed on a website project.


1. Discovery

Discovery is the initial phase of a website project, and an excellent time to involve the agency’s lead copywriter and content strategist. While a skilled copywriter can produce effective content from detailed discovery notes and his or her own online research, engaging clients in actual discussions goes a long way toward imparting to the writer a sense of the client’s communication style, sales and marketing challenges and the language of its business. These factors are indispensable in the creation of content that appeals to customers and prospects and sounds authentic. And without appeal and authenticity, the lead-generating capacity of a Web page is virtually nonexistent.


2. Creating a Content Document

The next phase in copywriting for website copywriting for websites is the agency constructing a content document. This document is used to write the content, separating content elements into various compartments to make translating the text into a living, breathing Web page easy for designers and developers. The content document includes a number of key ingredients, here is some of the website copywriting tips:

  • Keywords — Instructions about which keywords to include on each page
  • META Description Field — A space for the copywriter to compose a snippet of text that appears beneath a link to that page on a Google SERP (search engine results page)
  • Key Messaging Points — Guidance from the client and/or project manager about what points should be emphasized on the page
  • Headlines — H1 and H2 page headlines written by the copywriter with a mix of keywords and persuasive/interest-building phrasing
  • Introductory Text — A space for high-level, high-impact content to be positioned at the top of the page
  • Secondary Text — A space for more detailed content that usually appears lower on the page
  • Design Element Text — Space(s) for text to be used for graphical page content, such as call-to-action blocks
  • Inputs — A list of writing resources for a given page, supplied by the client and/or project manager. (Guiding copywriters in their research by making client content such as sales collateral and industry information links known to be authoritative available is advisable.)


A content document ensures no content elements are overlooked, which would have caused significant delays in the project later. In addition to the content document, the copywriter also uses inputs such as content reference wireframes and rough sketches to get a complete grasp of the assignment.